As we look ahead into a New Year, it is our pleasure to share with you the recipient of the William E. Towns Citizen of the Year Award. this year's recipient is Heather Hurren.
Heather has lived in Bracebridge for over 37 years and during her time, she has given back to our community in so many ways. An example of what Heather is involved in today: Volunteer fr the Bracebridge Agricultural Society/Fall fair and Horse Show, prepares meals at Out of the Cold and drives a bus to pick up those who wish to attend the meal, fosters hundreds of kittens waiting for adoption through Muskoka Pet Rescue, campaigns for the Canadian Cancer Society, helps with public school hot dog days, school arrival and many other worthwhile causes who benefit from her help. Congratulations Heather.
Rotary hosted seniors from local Bracebridge senior residences and long term care facilities. Each senior also went home with a gift box of Christmas goodies!

At our annual elections held on December 6, 2024, the following people will become our Club Board for 2025-26:
Jon Denbok, President Susan Montgomery, President-Elect
Karen Quemby, Vice President Dan Wyjad, Immediate Past President
Tim Harvey, Treasurer Richard Leaitch, Secretary
Richard Borland Keith Montgomery
Jean Polak Darragh Parsons
Dan White Domas Albavicius

President-Elect Jon Denbok presents Bracebridge Legion Poppy and Remembrance Day Campaign Chair Shirley Ruttan with the Club's annual donation. Shirley was the guest speaker on November 8 and gave an informative talk on the history of our local Legion Branch and her first-hand experiences as a mother of an active Canadian Soldier.

Rotary Club President-Elect Jon Denbok and Club Past President Don Smith (on right) present Mayor Rick Maloney and Pam Rimmer, one of the Labyrinth Organizers, with the club's donation of $5,000.